Samaritans Club Donations Matched by Samaritan Hospital Foundation to Reach $60,000!

Samaritans Club Donations Matched by Samaritan Hospital Foundation to Reach $60,000!

May 17, 2018

Founding members of the Samaritans Club pictured front row, left to right: Ruth Strauss, Sue Spreng, Ann Dunn, Peg Fulton and Virginia Seaboyer; back row, left to right: June Myers, Paul Myers, Virginia Budd, Anne Cowen, Richard Beal, and Danny Boggs 

More than a decade ago, a group of women gathered to start the Samaritan Annual Giving Club. Fourteen years later, on April 18, 2018, members of Samaritan Hospital Foundation’s (SHF) annual giving club continued their legacy of giving as they gathered to vote on where the Club’s annual donations would best assist the hospital in improving patient quality of care. Included in the 60 members present were members of the Samaritans Club, the Caring Hearts, and the Heart of Giving Circle, which represent different levels of giving within the Samaritans Club.

Jerry Seiter, Director of Development and Wellness Programs for SHF, welcomed everyone and shared upcoming outreach projects in the community promoting Health and Wellness. Runyan 5K run, Athletic training program, Mohican area Samaritan’s club, and Athletic Scholarship awards program. 

Paul Myers, Chair of the Board for SHF, recognized Ann Dunn for her years of service volunteering as Community Leader for the Samaritans Club. Ann has assisted with the Club since it was founded and continues leading the charge to draw in new members.

After presenting a video of the victims of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Florida, Richard Beal, President of SHF, shared UH Samaritan’s efforts, in collaboration with SHF, to help save lives in our local schools with the purchase of Stop the Bleed kits for all classrooms in Ashland County. The program also includes training for all school teachers and administrative staff.

After hospital managers presented their department’s needs, members voted on equipment items for purchase out of the Club’s $30,000 in dues, which was matched by SHF. Combined contributions totaling $60,000 allowed club members to purchase numerous important equipment items, including: a Stryker Neptune suction device for the Perioperative Services and Ambulatory Care Medicine Department, a Neptune docking station for the Birthing and Women’s Unit, four portable defibrillators for school sports events for the Rehabilitation Services Department, a digital video colposcope for the Emergency Department and a mammography/biopsy stretcher-chair for the T.W. Miller Women’s Health Services.

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